MobFolio is a stocks management tool for mobile phones that provide free financial quotes from all major world markets. With MobFolio you can create your favorite portfolios of stocks and check the updated quotes right from your mobile phone, anytime you want and wherever you are. Basically you can organize your favorite watchlists in groups of quotes that can be updated all in one in a single step. Using MobFolio is really easy: start creating a porfolio and fill it with a list of quote symbols (tickers). To download the quotes then select the refresh command, a brief internet connection will be activated and, in a few moments, all the quotes will be updated. You can enter tickers of stocks, ETFs, indices, funds, and more. All major currencies are supported. MobFolio can also calculate daily gains with totals and subtotals, just add the required additional information like shares, purchase price and commissions.
MobFolio is designed to run on a wide range of mobile phones and is optimized to work even on small display size. All you need to run MobFolio is a java-enabled phone with an internet connection properly set up.