Pipyaki! This colorful, juicy, spanning mochilovo funny characters Pipyak against Bombak and snails watermelons, bricks, socks and other garbage! Excellent gameplay and graphics tasty leaves you a chance to indifference! Really working blue-tooth supporting up to 8 fighters + bots. Game management ←, 4 - left ↑, 2 - up →, 6 - right ↓, 8 - down Ok, 5 - to attack with the primary weapon/to use the primary object * - to attack with a secondary weapon/ to use a secondary object 0 - to use an object on a map/to choose an object # - screen for selecting weapons and objects (# - to scroll, Ok/* - to choose the primary/secondary weapon, soft keys - to close - to choose the primary/secondary weapon, soft keys - to close) 1 - weapon and objects store ( trade of watermelons for objects and weapons) 9 - frags screen (in Bluetooth game) Soft keys - game menu For 240x320, 320x240, 325x416