Create your own customizable character with their own look! Play as male or female... and then the other! There are over 40 characters for you to choose from! You will go on speed dates and one-on-one dates in your quest to find your perfect match and become King or Queen of speed dating! Go to various hurry dates and make a choice for a future on a one-to-one date. Make comments on how your dates went, choose who you liked... and see who choses you! Go on one-on-one dates and try to dazzle your dates with funny and clever conversation. Who knows... your next one-on-one could lead you on the path to the One you have always been waiting for! Can you make it to the first kiss on the final date? Features: - Complete the game to unlock the Don Juan mode and go on dates with any character in any location! - Have fun playing three challenging mini-games which focus on those three very important things when on a date: - Eye Contact, Body Language and Listening. . For 240x320, S60v3, Nokia N95